odprto | season period
št. mest | max places
št. oseb |max persons
površina | size
1.julij – 15. september
1,5 ha
Kopališče camping Radovljica
Kopališka 9
4240 Radovljica
tel, fax
+ 386 (0) 4 53 15 770
[email protected]
V gorenjskem mestu Radovljica, v objemu gozda Obla gorica, kjer vladata mir in prijetno vzdušje, se nahaja kamp Radovljica. V bližini so trgovine, banke, pošta, avtobusna in železniška postaja.
Gostje kampa se v poletni vročini lahko osvežijo v novem 50-metrskem olimpijskem in prav tako novem otroškem bazenu z ogrevano vodo, igrajo odbojko na mivki, obiščejo fitnes center, bife ali picerijo. Bazen je bil leta 2001 že petič zapored izbran za najbolj urejeno kopališče v Sloveniji.
Okolica kampa in Radovljice je primerna za sprehode in planinske izlete, kolesarjenje, rafting po Savi Bohinjki in Savi Dolinki. V bližini so igrišča za tenis, nogomet, košarko in rokomet, balinišče ter novo otroško igrišče. V Radovljici pa so Čebelarski muzej, Šivčeva hiša z likovnimi razstavami, gozdna učna pot, v avgustu pa festival stare glasbe.
1.5 hectare large campsite Rudovljica is situated near the grove Obla gorica in Gorenjska town Radovljica. Campsite is in the middle of the town and you can find the shops, the bank, the post office, the bus and the railway station very near it.
In summer heat you can freshen yourself in the new Olympic swimming pool and in the pool for children, which are heated (26,5°C). The swimming pools have been chosen as the best in Slovenia for the third time. Topmost swimmers of the Swimming Club Rodovljica do their trainings in the fitness studio and in the swimming pool. You can play beach volley, go to the fitness studio, a pub, and a pizzeria there.
You can visit the Beekeeping Museum, the Šivec Art Gallery, Study-wood path and The Festival of Old Music in summer evenings.
The surroundings of Radovljica are suitable for long walks, hiking, cycling, rafting, and kayak-canoeing. There are tennis, bowling, football, handball and basketball courts near the swimming pool area. There is also a golf course in the beautiful scenery near Bled (3 km).
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